Enjoy the Aerial Yoga Teacher Training, now Online, by AeroYoga® International. Aeroyoga® brand is an international registered trademark by AeroYoga® International (also in USA, Europe Community, Canada & Australia ). Join the leader method in Aerial Yoga!. Hi! I’m Rafael Martinez, Executive director of AeroYoga® International. Featuring today the new AeroYoga® online Teacher Training in english. (look at the video
Aero Yoga International está con Juan Carlos Morales y Rafael Martínez. AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 SE SUMA A LA VUELTA AL MUNDO 🌎 DEL AEROYOGA®! Hola! 👋Soy Rafael Martínez , director de AeroYoga® International y creador métodos AeroYoga® y AeroPilates®. Tenemos el gran placer de comunicarles que AeroYoga® ha sido reconocida marca registrada en AUSTRALIA. Esto significa que si estás certificado en nuestros métodos ya
MICK JAGGER DO AEROYOGA® METHOD BY RAFAEL MARTINEZ – READ IN THE ‘DAILY MAIL’ THIS WEEK!- «Mick Jagger 73, is doing AeroYoga® Method wich sees devotees strung up in a hammock suspended six feet in the air, using their own bodyweight to perform demanding gymnastic exercice«- As Read in the Daily Online UK …I was